Wednesday 20 May 2015

What is Augmented Reality?

'Augment' means to make something greater by adding to it.
"I want to augment my income so am getting a second job."
"Getting a second job augmented my income."

Augmented Reality is a technology that superimposes a computer generated image on a users view of the real world.

"Abbreviated as AR, Augmented Reality is a type of virtual reality that aims to duplicate the world's environment in a computer. An augmented reality system generates a composite view for the user that is the combination of the real scene viewed by the user and a virtual scene generated by the computer that augments the scene with additional information. The virtual scene generated by the computer is designed to enhance the user's sensory perception of the virtual world they are seeing or interacting with. The goal of Augmented Reality is to create a system in which the user cannot tell the difference between the real world and the virtual augmentation of it. Today Augmented Reality is used in entertainment, military training, engineering design, robotics, manufacturing and other industries."

In order for AR to work you need some sort of screen. This could be handheld or even in the form of glasses.

Friday 15 May 2015

Brief Breakdown

Unit 41 - Words and Images in Graphic Design
Brief -  Augmented Reality Advertising "Happy Commuter"

Unit 41
'The aim of this unit is to develop learners’ technical and creative skills and understanding required to produce graphic design work that incorporates words and images whilst developing the underpinning knowledge needed to produce work to given themes.'

On completion of this unit a learner should: 
1 - Know how words and images are used in the work of others 
2 - Understand the relationship of words and images when developing ideas 
3 - Be able to produce final outcomes that explore the potential of words and images.

Task 1: Know how words and images are used in the work of others 

Graphic principles: e.g graphic terms, scale, relationship between elements, layout,       balance  of elements, communicate intended message 

Work of others: primary sources e.g galleries, exhibitions, workshops, studios, commerce, businesses, guest speakers; secondary sources e.g internet, television, advertising, books, magazines, design examples 

Industry issues: e.g timings, specific messages, materials, formats, costs, clients, customers 

Medium: e.g web, animation, magazine, illustration, television, advertising, packaging, print, on-screen, hoarding, handheld device 

Purpose: commercial; public information; political; community; fine art

Task 2: Understand the relationship of words and images when developing ideas

Different graphic elements: e.g typography, fonts, textual material, primary and secondary source images; graphic visual language e.g formal elements, layout, contrast, relative sizes, scale 

Visual relationship: e.g layout, composition, focal points, use of fonts, typographical styles, use of space, word and image combinations, juxtaposition of elements, message, meaning 

Developing ideas: initial ideas e.g roughs, storyboards, sketches, studies, layouts, preliminary designs; development e.g reviews, refinements, analysis, evaluation; annotations e.g notes, written pieces, descriptions; formats e.g sketchbooks, notebooks, storyboards, worksheets, design sheets, onscreen

Task 3: Be able to produce final outcomes that explore the potential of words and images.

Final outcomes: eg magazine spreads, illustrations, animations, packaging, advertising; formats eg printed, onscreen, hoarding, handheld device, abstract, hand drawn, collage, montage 

Visual communication: formal elements; visual language eg colours, textures, shapes, surfaces, signs, symbols, messages, qualities, mood, atmosphere 

Abstract themes: non-specific messages, hidden or underlying meaning, double meanings 

Literal themes: eg specific messages, clarity of message, functional, figurative, illustrations, charts, diagrams 

Potential: media; message eg ideas, range, variations, developments, explorations; processes eg materials, tools, techniques, experimentation, combinations, formal elements, visual language, communication, information, quality

The theme for this brief is based on making public transport commutes fun using concepts of augmented reality advertising. My mission is to design a piece of advertising for a brand or product of my choice that triggers the joy reflex. The final outcome will be presented in the form of a storyboard and handed in with research and layouts.

In order to pass the unit I must incorporate word and image in my augmented reality advertising.