Friday 5 June 2015

Augmented Reality Examples

Cadbury used the recently launched motion screen at Waterloo Station for some augmented reality experiential advertising. The large screen showed a live view of commuters, almost like a mirror image from the commuters point of view. 3D models of what the commuters might be thinking about floated around them on the screen, such as a ring above a couple and a skateboard above a skater. They had to catch/burst that object in order to win some Cadbury chocolate. The marketing director said the advertising was "all about triggering the joy reflex, in unexpected, everyday situations". This is very fitting as Cadbury's slogans/marketing are themed around joy (see images below).It is also the same mission that I have.

Pepsi used augmented reality at a bus stop in London. The side of the bus stop, where a poster may usually be displayed, was replaced with a screen. The screen appeared to be just the side panel of the bus stop, and was transparent like the rest of the bus stop. This meant people inside the bus stop could look through it and see down the street. The screen then showed a tiger walking down the street towards the bus stop, a tentacle burst through the pavement and abduct someone, a meteor crashing etc. This was part of Pepsi Max's Unbelievable #LiveForNow campaign, where the company aims to bring its fans the unbelievable through various feats and experiences.

The Walking Dead:
For the shows season premier in Austria, The Walking Dead teamed up with Sky TV to convert a tram stop in Vienna. Much like the Pepsi advertisement, the side of the tram stop appeared to be just the transparent plastic panel but was in fact a screen. When people inside the tram stop looked down the street through the screen they would see zombies walking up to the screen, attacking pedestrians, banging on the screen etc.

All these examples of augmented reality were featured at public transport stops. This appears to be a popular target audience for the use of this advertising. Not only does public transport have a large footfall (therefore making the advertising more effective), but it is also a journey people take every day that becomes boring and depressing. This makes it the perfect place for this type of advertising as it triggers the joy reflex and makes peoples day.

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