Friday 12 June 2015


This was an initial idea mind map before we confirmed the use of augmented reality.

This was an initial idea showing a screen at the side of the bus stop with an interactive quiz game on it. The different genres meant the game would be enjoyed by all ages. However this did not involve augmented reality.

This shows the screen positioning at the side of the bus stop and the two approaches I could take. The top story board involves cookies as part of the augmented reality, directly relating to the brand Millies Cookies. The bottom storyboard features unrelated things like spaceships and animals, similar to the Pepsi Augmented Reality advert. I much prefer the top approach, as the brand is in the forefront of the advert and therefore will be remembered whereas the unrelated approach may only be remembered for the random things rather than the brand.

 I wanted to involve a game as the competing side could entice more people to take part and will spark excitement and trigger the joy reflex. Also, if there is something to win, more people are likely to get involved. The first game idea shows cookies falling from the reality view. The commuter then has to drag the basket across the screen or control the basket using arrows, to catch as many cookies as they can. The second game shows goals on the reality view in the form of loops. You then have to use the touch screen to flick cookies into these goals. The third game shows a character at the bottom of the screen who you have to control to avoid all the obstacles that approach you on the screen. The screen will show massive cookies etc rolling down the street at you. The fourth game also has a character who you control. You send the person up the street to collect floating coins but then the augmented view shows the street be victim to an earthquake. The fifth game will show augmented people on the street who you have to shoot with a cookie gun. Overall I felt the third idea was most exciting and it received the best feedback from the class. The things constantly flying at you from down the street provide a tense, exciting experience from start to end which is why it was most favoured. This is the idea I then chose to develop.

These are some things I could include in my advert. The use of sound, smell, 4D, voice recognition and motion sensors could improve the effectiveness of the advert and enhance the overall experience. However somethings are probably unnecessary, and aren't relevant to the product. For example smoke is probably a bit over the top and doesn't really relate to the advert and smells would be more suited to something that has a distinct smell, like coffee or perfumes. I definitely think sound effects would benefit the advert though to make it more realistic and engaging. Motion sensor's would mean to control the character you have to step right to move them right and jump to make them jump etc. This could potentially work and would add a feel good factor and make people feel like they've earned their cookie. I will consider these things in the development.

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