Sunday 7 June 2015

Design Direction

I have decided to design specifically for bus stops in Dunstable. This is because this is where the college is and many of the students commute there on buses. Also the bus stops in Dunstable seem to be particularly boring and free of any advertising, meaning it's already an issue in the area that would benefit from AR advertising. Here is a bus stop right outside the college. It is so empty that it doesn't even have the bus timetable on show.

The brand I am going to advertise is Millies Cookies. I like the idea of participating in the interactive augmented reality advert in order to win the product, much like what Cadbury did at Waterloo Station. This will entice more people to get involved as there is something up for grabs. There are two paths I could take. I could actually involve cookie related things in the advert (like chocolate chips etc) or take the Pepsi approach and have random sci-fi things but brand the advert with Millies Cookies and hope they remember Millies Cookies not just the advert.

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