Tuesday 23 June 2015

Millie's Cookies

Millie's Cookies is a UK chain of retail bakeries that specialise in cookies but also sell cakes and hot drinks etc.

"Since we first opened in 1985, we’ve been baking fresh cookies all day every day. Today we have over 108 stores nationwide and we’re proud to offer you not only freshly prepared cookies, but also muffins, cakes, ice-creams, smoothies and shakes, hot choc, tea and coffee.

All real heart-warming, generous and delicious treats, made with Millie’s ‘know how’ using only premium natural flavours in all our products, no hydrogenated fats, artificial sweeteners or additives!"


Millie's Cookies comes across as a very personal brand that delivers an experience. The colours and branding represent the family origins and welcoming ambience. For example the colours used are soft and light which is gentle and easy on the eye. The colours themselves such as pinks, blues and purples relate to the predominantly female audience. The typeface used in all of their current branding is hand written and looks sketchy along with the hatching. This reinforces the hand made theme that comes with Millie's Cookies.

Millie's asked The One Off to create a new identity including; logotype, colour palette, typeface, brand language and iconography to complement a new store design. The new logo has personality with a handcrafted, yet lively feel."


"Millies Cookies

The brief
Millies Cookies were struggling to communicate the freshly baked goodness of their products. We were tasked with creating a brand new positioning that would give Millie’s a competitive edge within a fast developing baking category.

The solution
The first step was to establish the brand proposition through a series of strategic workshops with key stakeholders.
As part of this exercise we analysed the key attributes of the brand, their core values and personality to extract the ‘brand essence’.

Whilst ‘freshly baked’ cookies are central to Millie’s product proposition, it is Millie’s warm, welcoming fun and playful character that serves to set Millie’s Cookies apart from the competition. The new visual identity conveys Millie’s brand values and Millie’s personality through playful hand drawn typography. A soft colour palette was chosen to reflect naturalness and give the brand a contemporary feel.

The tone of voice used across the new identity echoes the informal, personal, chatty character of the brand. Photography plays an important role across the POS to achieve the brand’s desired position. It is used to show the quality of Millie’s products to the consumer, there is an emphasis on real ingredients to support the ‘freshly baked’ positioning. We extended the brand personality further through a number of seasonal campaigns.

We delivered
Brand identity, a variety of POS & menu-boards throughout stores, packaging design & seasonal campaigns.

A change in consumer perceptions resulted in a significant sales uplift and increased retail footprint."



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